As a woman, you know when you want to be touched. You know when you are feeling open to receiving love, nurturing and comfort. You don’t need someone else telling “you” when “you” are ready for their touch.
Often, men in our lives like to tell us how things are going to go, and by things I mean intimacy. Many men want to control the show. They are usually ready immediately for intimacy, so of course, they think that your timeline is the same. They are sadly mistaken. Men can be turned on by simply looking at a photo, or looking at a pretty woman walking by, or seeing their wife or girl friend dressed up pretty on a date. When it comes to men in their private home, lingerie is all it takes. However, as women, and women in particular who are in touch with their feelings, their sensations, their energy, emotions and their bodies changes, we don’t drop into connecting so easily. We need a little foreplay, a little love, a little conversation, and a little reason for going deeper.
Women liked being touched gently on their hand. They love having their man brush his fingertips gently through her hair and they want to know with every ounce of her breath that the man she is with loves her. We are not a quick fix to their sexual frustrations, and we are not going to just take care of their needs because they want us to. We want to feel it deep in our bones that we are loved, and then, maybe, we’ll get closer. But it’s a woman’s choice; always!
Women’s bodies are the natural embodiment of Goddess itself. She has all the knowledge and wisdom inside of her. Not every women knows she has this innate wisdom, but she does. It IS there, and has been there all along! It is our voices that need to be heard, and it is the men in our lives we need to hear that voice. Otherwise, we might just keep that Goddess power to ourselves. Only men who truly can honor us, love us, respect us, and appreciate the depth of who we are, are men that are worthy of touching us. And in no way, is it ok to allow your man to grab you and do with you what he will, without “your” consent; without “your” permission. A woman has the word, and if it does not feel right to her, the connection with her beloved will feel it too. If he has does his inner work, and is in touch with his own feelings, he will feel hers too, and then he will be a man who can surrender to his truth, as well as give back the love to a woman what she deserves!