After a few months of being in quarantine, we all have had different stresses that we've been dealing with in our body, mind, heart and soul. I would like to take the time to let you know that since my beautiful cat Lakshmi has passed in the early summer, I've adopted a new feline to be a part of our family. In the welcoming of a new sensitive female, the activation of energy healing is so crucial is all of our lives.
I am offering Reiki Treatments to welcome you back to our healing center. For those who know me, and would like to step back into a spiritual practice, energy sessions are so important to remove the stress you might be dealing with. I am offering a welcome back rate of $100, for an hour an 1/2 Reiki Session. This is a discounted rate, from my past Sessions of $300/ 2 hours. This is a returning to Asttarte rate, and giving you an opportunity to come back to healing and energy clearing.
For those who are still unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we can discuss rates if this is still a challenge for you. Sessions are about relaxation, removing stress, and opening your hearts again. Reiki and Energy Healing is a very important basic part of energy cleansing, and helps to open the pathway and door of other challenges you might be facing. You are welcome to enter our home, if protocols of masks are worn, disinfectants are used, and health is in good order. For those who are at risk of illness, we can meet via zoom sessions for Reiki Healing, Coaching for stress and Chakra Healing.
Many of you may be struggling in your relationships due to the long term practices of quarantine and staying at home with your loved ones more than you ever have. If you are struggling with anxiety, relationship challenges, grief from someone you love who has passed on, or other personal matters, we can discuss these concerns via a phone call or zoom consultation.
New Modalities in addition to Reiki Sessions, Life Coaching and Chakra Healing: are
Plant Medicine Coaching, Plant Medicine Healing Sessions, and Shamanic Healing Journeys that are to be held in our home with my Beloved and my Shamanic Teachers, as well as Facilitating of private one on one Journeys for healing your soul. For questions regarding Plant Medicine, please ask. Plant Medicines are for healing your core inner selves, your heart, mind and soul, as well as for healing your physical health. Any other healing modalities that are mentioned on this site, or that you know from past experience that I offer, please ask. (Ie. Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure, Shiatsu Massage, EFT Emotional Healing and Tapping Sessions, Guided Meditation Sessions, Inner Child Healing, Private one on one Yin Yoga, etc.
I welcome you back to my healing center.
You may return to this site by saving these url's AsttarteDeva.com and SaraswatiDevi.com