We've approached a new year my friends, loved ones and students! I'm going to share some new things here, and because of the personal nature of my work, I'm going to share a couple things personally that are going on, in addition to some things that will be launching soon. I'm at a new stage in my development as a practitioner, as we all are growing at a much faster rate in our personal development than ever before.
I've become a little more shy about my personal developments as of the last few years but because of the public nature of my work, I have to at least keep you all in the loop, at least somewhat. I'm in a new love relationship, for those of you who follow me on facebook, or Insta, you probably already know. We're keeping things a little quiet, but its moving in the very serious direction rather quickly. We're all adults here, and we're all responsible for who we choose to hang around and the impact each person has on us individually. I won't say much else here, but he's also a very advanced Intuitive Energy Healer and Tantra Practitioner. However, that is not his line of work, but he is very supportive of my work and how I support all of you.
The next development: the Workshop Awakening Consciousness: Healing the Heart, with Charee was nothing short of AMAZING!!! She's becoming my new best friend! I just simply love her! We will keep you posted when we put together our next offering and online Mastermind Course. However, she's preparing to go to Italy soon and it may not be until after she returns. She invited my Beloved and I to join her on this Retreat, but at this time, we are going to choose to wait go with her another time.
I'm collaborating with two other Amazing Goddesses to put together an all-Women’s Mini Retreat for Women Only! That's 3 Amazing Goddess Powerhouses putting on a Workshop Goddess Initiation Mini Retreat for Women Only! As the characters Leeloo and Korben says in the 5th Element, "Boom, bada bing bada Boom!"
Example Intention of the Mini-Retreat:
This transformative mini retreat will guide participants through a series of practices designed to awaken their inner Shakti, de-armor the heart and womb, and attune to their innate sensuality. The evening will unfold in a safe, intimate container where female-identifying bodies can freely express themselves and surrender to their divine feminine essence.
As we come closer to the details I will share more here!
Goddess Initiation, Asttarte Updates
The main intention is to help open women’s hearts, remove the armor blocking their womb, belly, hips and heart, practices for self-power, self-expression, letting go of armor, grief and stuck feelings, and awakening to her Goddess Shakti Bliss self and unite her with her divinity!
Next Development is my 7th Book Coming soon for Couples catered to Women who need to step up to her power with a high energy partner or a partner that has had trouble with being vulnerable with her and hides, withholds his love or keeps himself distant as his way of protecting himself, disappearing and not wanting to deal with his real feelings. The book is called Great Sex After Marriage, Empowering the Married Goddess in the Bedroom. This can address any type of commitment in general also, but when the love is deep and the trust is strong, this will help the couple break open their heart together again in deeper love than ever imaginable. Thank you to my dearly Beloved late husband who gave me all this incredible juicy content for books to write. This book has exercises for Communication to create Emotional Intimacy, Relationship Coaching practices and Sexual Healing with some more juicy erotic practices as well that creates deep vulnerability.
For those of you who would like to join my Meditation classes, join me on Meetup.com/centerforhealingartspa, and to those who would like to join my Workshops, the women’s workshop described above, or Meditation Ceremonies, please reach out!
See my other books on Amazon at amazon.com/author/asttarttedeva