My Healing Practice
My Healing Practice involes an integration of healing modalities that are unique to the field of wellness, spirituality, health, emotional and energy healing and transformation. I do sessions that are focused on a singular method, or Sessions that combine several practices. The types of modalities that I include are: Integrated Energy Therapy, Igilli, Usui Reiki, Shamballa Reiki, Tera-Mei Seichem Reiki, Chakra Clearing with Angels and Crystals, Frequency Balancing, Axiotonal Alignments, Breathwork, Spiritual Counseling, WellSea Approach, Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure, and Shiatsu Massage. Whether I focus on one method or another, the client and his or her openness to my “knowing” of what direction to take determine the integration of modalities. Each session may be completely different depending on the information I receive of his or her needs. The types of healing are all labeled differently, however, the focus, intention, compassion, and energy put into the session is the same. They all are targeted to help the person to release stress, relax, heal from physical or emotional symptoms and to help them open up a door that can lead them closer to their dreams, desires, and become a stronger beacon of love and light. My sessions help the client to learn about himself so that he can ultimately teach himself in life and utilize opportunities to become whole.
My methods of healing are unique. I use my own power of intuition to fill the needs of those who ask for my assistance. I do not go by any written or established guidelines or rules. I use the guidance of my higher self, the angels, the ascended masters and any divine light beings that enter the presence of the client and myself where I am working. I ask for the client’s higher self to participate in the healing session to assist him or her in whatever he or she may need, as well as asking them to join my higher self so they can work together as a team to help the individual on the table. When I begin a session I ask the participant what they are in need of and what their intentions are. Then I begin to explain what I offer.
The type of work I do fits in with Natural Healing through a process of getting in touch with the body through love, patience, trust, compassion, and time. The clients ultimately learn what they may need by practicing self-love. They grow to being able to feel all of their feelings, internally and externally, through internal forces and the outside world. Each session is geared towards being able to be with their body, being in touch with their feelings, being aware of every moment, every instance, every move of energy, every time a change of energy moves throughout their body inside or out. The type of healing I practice helps others to see their natural powers with ultimate relaxation. It helps them to start to trust their own inner knowing. It helps them to be more patient towards themselves. Natural Healing is about letting healing occur in a gentle way with love. My sessions are filled with complete love and a natural affinity in helping all of the person; not just part of him.
I’m passionate and love what I do because it brings miracles in people’s lives. The type of healing I do helps people from all walks of life, with any symptom, problem, situation, trauma, or difficulty, or even those who are already in a place of contentment; or perhaps those who think they are and are not.I would love to see all people come to a place of harmony within them, and be comfortable with every experience in which they embrace. I have seen people grow to become greater than they could ever imagine, and my work is the key to unlocking this gate.
The proof of my work is the testimonies of others who have changed their lives positively through this experience, through my presence and through love. There have been studies illustrating that energy therapy sometimes is the best healing form to help those with severe situations. One can establish confidence in this work by the experiences of those around them, the articles in the newspaper, magazines, stories they hear, by their own experience and by trusting their own feeling if it is something beneficial for them. Another reason these forms of Natural Healing have solidity is due to fact that teachers and practitioners have for decades and even centuries passed down these methods to successive generations to continue this work. As more people are becoming open to new healing forms, these modalities are becoming known and accepted by the general public. Many of these teachings have come from the great masters of India, China, and Tibet. These teachers have reached high authority through their work. I hope to become one of them.
I hope I can touch you in some way and help you transform what matters to you most and to help you gain a knowledge you never knew was possible.
originally written 7-31-03 (when living in a house in the woods with a 10 foot by 10 foot window looking out at the trees)